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EBOS Healthcare supports the World Health Organisation (WHO) Save Lives: Clean Hands campaign. The WHO invites us to a call to action every 5th May each year.

Save Lives: Clean your Hands, campaign started 10 years ago and zeroes in on the importance of hand hygiene in health care along with other Infection Prevention practices. The campaign is asking health care workers to champion clean care and for Infection Prevention Leaders to monitor and control standards.


  • Clean your hands by rubbing them with an alcohol-based formulation, as the preferred mean for routine hygienic hand antisepsis if hands are not visibly soiled. It is faster, more effective, and better tolerated by your hands than washing with soap and water.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water when hands are visibly dirty or visibly soiled with blood or other body fluids or after using the toilet.

Why Choose Cutan Foam Soap?

  • Uses up to 45% less water (H2O)
  • 8 x more spreadable than lotion soap
  • Biodegradable- does not require chemicals to thicken soap.
  • Lather is created by adding air, not chemicals. 
  • More handwashes for the same packaging (replace less often)

Hand Hygiene Educational Videos

SC Johnson's Cutan Hand Hygiene Products