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Improving the global standard of cancer care for everyone, everywhere.

Endomag is dedicated to improving the global standard cancer care for everyone, everywhere, by developing a unique clinical platform that uses magnetic fields to power diagnostic and therapeutic devices. Endomag’s first approved products form a minimally-invasive surgical guidance system to address unmet needs in work flow efficiency, availability and affordability for surgical oncology.
Sentimag® is the foundation of this system, and is the world’s most sensitive handheld magnetic probe. Given its sensitivity, it can detect minute quantities of magnetic material in the body to guide surgeons in a lumpectomy using Magseed®, or to the lymph nodes first in line to drain from a tumor in a sentinel lymph node biopsy using Sienna+
Endomag Products
Sentimag Probe
The Sentimag probe activates the iron oxide particles in Sienna+®. The magnetic signature generated by the Sienna+® particles is then detected by the Sentimag® probe.
- Ultrasensitive detection – Proximity-based sensing for naturally intuitive and accurate node localisation
- Intuitive location of nodes – Audible pitch variation allows the surgeon to focus on the patient, not the instrument
- Flexible – Suitable for both pre and post-incision use
Sienna+ Tracer
Sienna+® is a dark brown suspension of organically coated iron oxide particles. It is injected subcutaneously where the natural physical action of the lymphatic system filters out the particles, enabling sentinel nodes to be located using Sentimag®.
- Optimised – Particle size is optimised for filtration and retention by sentinel lymph nodes • Easy to use – Simple to store and handle, which means it significantly improves workflow compared with radioactive tracers
- Flexible – Sienna+® can be injected up to seven days ahead of sentinel node biopsy.
- Fast – Localisation can start just 20 minutes after injection†
†Migration time can increase with patient age, weight or breast size.
Magnetic Seed Localization (MSL) is a new technique to help Radiologists and Surgeons localize impalpable breast lesions.
Magseed® (the size of a grain of rice) is inserted into the lesion under image guidance, up to 30 days prior to surgery. This flexibility simplifies the scheduling of patients, and allows them to go straight to the OR on the day of surgery minimizing delays and enhancing the patient experience.
In the OR Magseed® is located using the Sentimag® probe and can be detected from any direction, regardless of seed orientation. The seed has no moving parts and can’t be damaged when implanted. It is still detectable even if accidentally cut during dissection.
During surgery, through a combination of audio and visual feedback, the surgeon can use location of the seed to orientate the specimen and guide dissection
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