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How a Simple Washroom Solution Saves Water, Time and Money
Sustainability and resource efficiency are a growing environmental concern across the world. Many organisations are striving to reduce their environmental impact and in the process save money by using less energy and natural resources.
Whilst there are numerous ways to save water, one simple solution could be the choice of soap in the washroom.
Dr John Hines, R&D Director at skin care experts, Deb Group, announced how independent research commissioned by Deb has shown that when using foam soap for hand washing people use 16% less water than when using liquid soap. Dr Hines goes on to state that “water consumption can in fact be reduced by up to a staggering 45% by adopting a foam soap hand washing technique of dispense, lather, tap on, rinse”.
For every 100 people employed, the use of foam soap for hand washing can equate to an annual water reduction of up to 56,000 litres. As warm water is usually used there are also savings to be made in energy use and CO2 emissions.
Dr Hines also explains that an experiment conducted by Deb shows foam soap is eight times more spreadable than lotion soap and reduces the quantity of product required for an effective hand wash. Interestingly, using less product does not equate to less efficacy as a further scientific study commissioned by Deb shows that there is no significant difference in the cleaning ability between a 0.7ml shot size of Deb foam soap compared to a standard 1.1ml shot size of lotion soap, confirming that the same efficacy is delivered from foam using less product.
Further benefits explained by Dr Hines are that foam soap is more biodegradable than lotion soap as it does not require chemicals to thicken the soap - the lather is created by adding air.
In addition, as foam soap delivers more hand washes from the same packaging compared to lotion soaps, it means that products have to be replaced less often, ultimately saving time and money and reducing packaging waste.
Dr Hines concludes by stating he “would seriously urge any organisation to consider the use of foam soap to help reduce their environmental impact and at the same time save time and money”.
Date: November 2020
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