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Enhancing healthcare provider safety and clinical outcomes in hospital and aged care facilities
Ensuring the safety and well-being of patients is paramount. The BD AutoShield Duo™ Safety Pen Needle offers a sophisticated solution to mitigate the risks associated with insulin injections, particularly needlestick injuries and intramuscular injections.
Needlestick injuries from insulin injections are an ongoing threat to the safety of healthcare workers.1
Did you know...
- 1 in 9 healthcare professionals sustain a needlestick injury every year.2*
- 1 in 4 nurses in long term care have suffered from a needlestick injury in nursing homes.3^
- Insulin pens accounted for the most frequent cause of needlestick injuries in nursing homes.4
- Beyond the moment of physical injury, needlestick injuries are also an economic and emotional burden.
Safety solutions, along with training and education, reduce the risk of needlestick injuries
The benefits of choosing the BD AutoShield DuoTM Safety Pen Needle are:
- Reduced risk of needlestick injury: Automatic protection at both ends of the pen needle after use reduces the risk of needlestick injury and transmission of bloodborne diseases.
- Reliability: 95% of nurses agree on the reliability of the safety mechanism.5‡
- Enhanced injection comfort: The 5mm needle length is in line with clinical guidelines and allows for a no skinfold lift technique. This reduces discomfort and the risk of injecting into the muscle, which can lead to hypoglycaemia.6~†
- Compatibility: Compatible with widely used insulin pens.7
Safety Pen Needle Embecta BD AutoShield Duo
Enhance safety today
Integrating the BD AutoShield Duo™ Safety Pen Needle into your facility's diabetes care regimen is a proactive step toward safeguarding both patients and healthcare providers. By choosing this safety pen needle, you demonstrate a commitment to excellence in clinical outcomes, risk mitigation and staff outcomes.
embecta is committed to being your trusted safety partner
embecta (formerly BD Diabetes Care) is singularly focused on diabetes care. With over 100 years of legacy in diabetes,# we are committed to developing and providing solutions to support people living with diabetes, their families and healthcare network around them, please contact your Key Account Manager.
Together, we can create a culture of safety.
Contact Us Today!
To find out more and if this is the right product for your patients, please contact your Key Account Manager or our Customer Service team.
*400 nurses in 381 different hospitals in the US voluntarily completed a survey. ^ The study was conducted in 45 nursing homes from April 2002 through December 2007. § Compared to non-safety, conventional pen needles. ‡ A double-blinded survey with 175 nurses from 36 states in the US commissioned in Fall 2021. ~ Patients ≤6 years old and very thin adults may require a lifted skinfold. † To minimise the risk of NSI through a lifted skinfold, the use of shorter (4-mm and 5-mm) pen needles without a lifted skinfold is recommended. # Since the creation of the first BD syringe in 1924
- Frid AH, Kreugel G, Grassi G, et al. New insulin delivery recommendations. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 (suppl appendix 14):1-3.
- MTAA Use of safety-engineered medical devices (SEMDs) Devices. April 2013. Accessed online www.mtaa.org.au/sites/default/files/uploaded-content/field_f_content_file/sharps_-_watermarked.pdf October 2017.
- Lee JM, Botteman MF, Nicklasson L, Cobden D, Pashos CL. Needlestick injury in acute care nurses caring for patients with diabetes mellitus: a retrospective study. Curr Med Res Opin. 2015;21(5):741-747.
- Kiss P, De Meester M, Braeckman L. Needlestick injuries in nursing homes: the prominent role of insulin pens. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2008;29:1192-1194.
- Data on File. Self-reported Satisfaction and Evaluation of the BD AutoShield Duo™. A survey of acute care and skilled nursing users.
- Frid AH, et al. New Insulin Delivery Recommendations. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2016;91(9):1231–1255.
- BD Compatibility Confirmation for Safety Pen Needles. 149OTH-0003-77 Ver S. August 2024.
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