Elevate Healthcare Excellence:
Discover Our Innovative Solutions Today
For A Sustainable Tomorrow!
Additional resource: A Unified Portfolio - LifeHealthcare + EBOS Healthcare
Sustainability Report:
EBOS Group Released Our Sustainability Report for 2024
UPDATE I.V Fluids Global Shortage Supply
In addition to our sustainability efforts, EBOS Healthcare continues to address the challenges in the supply of IV Fluids. We have received updates from manufacturers indicating continued delays of popular brands. However, we have arranged the supply of 100ml and 1000ml Sodium Chloride IV 0.9% under section 19a. We encourage you to speak with your EBOS Healthcare representative regarding the presentations available in these sizes.
Please click here to see the latest update.
Get in touch with our EBOS Healthcare’s Day Hospital Team
Our commitment to supporting Day Hospitals Australia is further strengthened by our dedicated team of business managers and corporate accounts managers across the country. Whether you are in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, or Western Australia, our team is ready to assist you with your needs.
We look forward to continuing our partnership with Day Hospitals Australia and are excited about the future of healthcare innovation and sustainability.
EBOS Healthcare’s Day Hospital Team
- Business Manager: Andrew Woods
- Business Manager NSW: Gareth Hamill
- Corporate Accounts Manager National and Queensland : Richard Holzer
- Day Hospitals Victoria/Tas: Mariella Bingham
- Day Hospitals South Australia: Janet Pitts
- New South Wales: Sarah Tiriaki, Carol Wellard, Helen Koveos
- Western Australia: Sandra Dorshorst
EBOS Healthcare is ingrained in the Australasian Healthcare network, and we pride ourselves in connecting healthcare professionals to the world's best devices, consumables, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines. We focus on exploring and evaluating new solutions through collaboration with reputable global manufacturers with products that meet our customers’ needs.
Additional Resources:
Day Hospitals Australia National Conference 2024
A Unified Portfolio - LifeHealthcare + EBOS Healhcare
For more on Day Hospitals Australia
The Advantages of Choosing Day Hospitals in Australia
A Conversation with Day Hospitals' CEO Jane Griffiths
Vitramed Endoscopy Products and Consumables